What mighty contests rise from trivial things. A row over whether the Turkish President’s wife should wear a headscarf has brought millions of demonstrators on to the streets, agitated the army and reheated the familiar argument about Turkish secularism.
In the eyes of many foreign critics, this is an argument that Turkey cannot win. If Ankara tolerates the outward symbols of religious devotion, it is sliding into Islamism; if it bans them, it is a dictatorship.
Inconsistent criticism
Such criticism is inconsistent and unfair. The governing party, AK, has
behaved impeccably, dismantling some of the more oppressive anti-clerical laws while respecting the laic character of the state. Its candidate for the largely titular office of president, the current foreign minister Abdullah Gul, is courteous, cultured, moderate and touchingly Anglophile. The idea that he should be barred because his wife’s attire violates the ban on Islamic symbols in state offices would be risible in any other country.
This newspaper is a long-standing friend of Turkey. We backed the Sublime Porte in its quarrels against Russia during the 19th Century; we broke with Gladstone over his anti-Ottoman policy; we called for intervention in Cyprus when the anti-Turkish pogroms began in the 1960s, and supported the invasion when it came in 1974; we have consistently backed Turkey’s right to join the EU.
Our grounds have altered little over the years: Turkey remains a vital ally, guarding Europe’s flank against the Islamists as it once did against the Russians. Ankara’s Western vocation rests, however, not on its renunciation of Islamic iconography, but on its respect for human rights, representative government and individual liberty. It is worth restating, therefore, what ought to be basic principles.
First, election results should stand.
Second, states ought not to be in the business of telling their citizens how to dress.
Third, if generals want to get involved in politics, they should resign
their commissions and stand for election.
There is no question that Mr Gul should be president: we wish him every