Dernier ajout : 31 mars 2007.
Source : Todayszaman, 29/03/2007
The picture was clear and symbolic: on the EU’s 50th birthday German Chancellor Angela Merkel presented as a gift to French President Jacques Chirac a cup with a depiction of Napoleon’s invasion of Alexandria in 1798.
Never mind that Turkey, as a candidate country, has not been invited to the party. Never mind either the fact that the current EU president, Merkel, has nothing to hide in her opposition to EU’s membership. But presenting the Napoleonic invasion (...)
Source : TNA, 15/03/2007
It seems this government is really incapable of displaying its achievements in various fields.
For years we have been stressing over and over again that while we accuse other countries of supporting and sheltering the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) we should be doing something ourselves at home to finish off the group.
For years Turkey has been struggling through its military and security forces to contain the PKK menace but it has not been doing enough (...)
Source : Incoherent Thoughts
Ayant tout juste reçu le livre de Hrant Dink, la meilleure façon d’en parler est peut-être tout simplement, de laisser filer des notes de lecture, au gré des articles rassemblées, qui sont à la fois variés, écrits dans des contextes et des tons très différents, mais qui ont, mis tout ensemble, une incontestable unité, car reflétant l’idéal de Hrant Dink, celui d’une Turquie et même d’un monde animés par la philosophie de ce que l’on pourrait appeler le vivre-ensemble.
Autre (...)
Turkish Daily News - 21/03/2007
Suleimania airport, its surroundings and the roads leading to it are crowded with people in anticipation for the arrival of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani from his medical treatment that lasted over two weeks.In the absence of Kurdistan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani, who was away in Saudi Arabia as an official guest of the king, the prime minister of the regional administration, Nechervan Barzani leads the reception committee.
After seeing (...)
Source : TDN, 23/03/2007
This year’s Nevruz celebrations went very differently than in previous years. It was full of signs that some things have changed, that a new era has started.
The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was seen at the forefronts in previous years. It would organize demonstrations; it would determine where attacks on security forces would take place. Nevruz would become an event during which the PKK would show off its influence on the people of the region and prove its (...)
Source : TDN, 22/03/2007
The more one learns about France the more one finds out what a strange and inconsistent country this is.
We are dealing with a nation here that does not refrain from legislating other peoples’ history (as if history could be legislated). We saw this clearly with the now dead bill passed earlier this year – “dead” because it was not endorsed in time – which tried to criminalize the claim that an Armenian genocide did not happen.
And yet when Algerians demand an (...)
Source : Le Monde
Deux mois se sont écoulés depuis l’assassinat de l’intellectuel turc d’origine arménienne Hrant Dink, abattu le 19 janvier à Istanbul sur le perron du journal Agos qu’il dirigeait. Malgré les mises en examen de 11 personnes dont le tireur présumé, Ogün Samast, l’enquête n’a toujours pas permis d’élucider les circonstances précises du crime.
Le 15 mars, les avocats de la famille de Hrant Dink ont remis aux magistrats chargés de l’instruction un document pointant des négligences et (...)
Source : TDZ, 16-03-2007
Enlargement has been without doubt one of the greatest achievements of the European Union, bringing peace and prosperity to our continent. However, what is unfortunate is that this feeling of success and jubilation is still not entirely shared by EU citizens — particularly those from old member states. The failure of the EU to effectively communicate the benefits of enlargement has resulted in the populations of many EU countries becoming negatively disposed to (...)
Source : Le Figaro, 13/02/2007
Menacés dans leur pays, de nombreux défenseurs des droits de l’homme se sentent également lâchés par l’Union européenne.
« L’aube prend appui dans le détournement des formes pour que soudain surgisse le jour. » Denis Donikian - Huile sur toile.
« On va te régler ton compte » : l’avertissement était punaisé sur la porte du bureau d’Ibrahim Kaboglu, à l’université Marmara d’Istanbul. Ses étudiants ont reçu des SMS : « Le professeur Kaboglu a été tué dans un attentat. » Les (...)
Source : Today’s zaman, 16-03-2007
In Turkey’s current atmosphere, with a growing perception that nationalism is on the rise, Diyarbakır Mayor Osman Baydemir and a delegation of mayors from southeastern Turkey visited Istanbul to hold meetings. Their goal was to raise awareness toward their own region of the country as well as to reflect some of the recent tension in their region onto effective circles in the country’s west.
In truth, while so much attention is focused on Article 301 of the (...)