Amargi is a Women’s Solidarity Cooperative in Istanbul.
In old Sumerian, Amargi means both “Freedom” and “Return to Mother”.
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With the collapse of socialistic regimes and the recent domination of Western democratic models, after the military intervention of 1980, the concept of civil society began to be viewed in Turkey as a tool for eradicating statist totalitarianism and promoting democratization. Many civil society organizations were then established to provide protection from authoritarian statism or to eliminate statist pressures. Despite the presence of more than sixty-thousand civil society organizations (...)
Avec l’effondrement des régimes socialistes et la récente domination des modèles démocratiques occidentaux, après l’intervention militaire de 1980, le concept de société civile commença à être regardé en Turquie comme un outil pour éradiquer le totalitarisme d’état et promouvoir la démocratisation. De nombreuses organisations de société civile virent le jour pour fournir une protection contre l’étatisme autoritaire ou pour éliminer les pressions de l’État. Malgré la présence de plus de 60 000 organisations de (...)
This is an urgent call from Amargi Women’s Solidarity Cooperative to all intellectuals, writers, artists, feminist associations, lawyers, journalists, human rights activists and politicians.
Feminist, sociologist, anti-militarist peace activist, writer and founding member of Amargi Women’s Solidarity Cooperative Pınar Selek is facing penal life imprisonment at the trial she has been acquitted twice.
As the public opinion already knows, she was made to target due to her leading sociological (...)
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