Je l’ai déjà écrit hier. Parmi tant de problèmes qui accablent ce pays, il en est trois qui l’épuisent de façon chronique : ce sont les droits dont on prive les étudiants sunnites qui portent le voile ou sont issus de lycées professionnels, les alévis et les Kurdes. Je pourrais même dire que ces droits dont on les prive sont la cause de la persistance de bien d’autres problèmes.
Dans ces trois cas, pour une raison ou une autre, il est question de droits dont on prive les gens. En outre, quand bien même (...)
Umut Oran is a surprise candidate to run for the leadership of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) at the party convention later this month. A 45-year-old courageous man who wants to run for the leadership of the most rooted political party in Turkey, he is quite impressive for me. With this in mind, I met him over the weekend. Turkey, with its young population, needs fresh blood in politics as well as in the business world, I repeated many times. If you may recall, I also supported (...)
Source : Turkish Daily News (Istanbul), 12 novembre 2002
I am certainly one of those who really « feel good » about the future of Turkey after the elections of Nov. 3. I feel good not only because of the fact that the country has finally captured a one-party rule i.e. stability after 11 years of coalitions. I also feel good that the politicians associated with the crony capitalism era are gone hopefully for good. I hope that Turkey will enjoy a new era of what I call « rational capitalism » (...)
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