Yonca Poyraz Doğan
Sociology Professor Nilüfer Göle *, who has been exploring Europe’s encounter with Islam, has said walls fall down as hierarchies disappear in today’s world but that proximity and equality lead to anxiety, confrontation and violence rather than dialogue and multiculturalism, making Turkey the “other” for Europeans.
“Natives of Europe fear they no longer feel ‘at home’ with the invasion of migrants, foreign to their cultural norms,” she said, pointing out that migrants wish to (...)
Kaan Soyak, co-founder and co-chairman of the Turkish-Armenian Business Development Council (TABDC), has said Turkish and Armenian business people are waiting for relations between their two countries to see normalization so they can go ahead with new projects that will benefit both sides. One of these projects is the establishment of a qualified industrial zone between Turkey and Armenia for cooperation in the textile sector.
Turkey closed its border with Armenia and severed diplomatic (...)
There are millions of Alevis who have become more demanding of the government, and there is the government, which has become more open to meeting their demands; however, the rift between them is still wide. Why?
The query was among many other questions that journalist and writer Oral Çalışlar tried to find answers to in his new book “Aleviler: Vali de Olmak İstiyoruz General de” (Alevis: We too Want to Be Governors and Generals). For that he interviewed the most prominent members of the Alevi (...)
Le colonel Isik, aujourd’hui retraité de l’armée, est connu en Turquie, pour avoir capturé Semdin Sakik, un des dirigeants du PKK. Il répond aux questions de Today’s Zaman .sur l’attaque d’Aktütün.
Première partie
Décrivez nous la région où est localisé le poste d’Aktütün.
Les postes militaires turcs d’Aktütün (où 17 soldats turcs ont été tués lors d’une attaque du PKK le 3 Octobre dernier NdT) et de Daglica (où 12 appelés avaient trouvé la mort et plusieurs avaient été pris en otage, un an auparavant) dans la (...)
Une délégation turque vient de rencontrer le leader kurde irakien, Massoud Barzani, à Bagdad afin d’aborder la question de la coopération contre le PKK. Jusqu’alors Ankara refusait de discuter avec les Kurdes d’Irak, les accusant de soutenir le PKK.
Le colonel Isik, aujourd’hui retraité de l’armée, est connu en Turquie, pour avoir capturé Semdin Sakik, un des dirigeants du PKK. Il a animé plusieurs rencontres avec les Kurdes d’Irak dans le passé. Il répond aux questions de Today’s Zaman.
En Turquie (...)
Professor Fuat Keyman, who has been heading efforts to create a channel of communication for academics to discuss the headscarf issue, maintains that, although denying an 18-year-old girl entry into university because of her choice of dress is not right, the way the ruling and opposition parties have tried to solve the problem has created many problems.
Fuat Keyman : “If the government had brought the 1982 constitutional changes into the public sphere for discussion, we could have been (...)
“The ‘Armenian genocide resolution’ pending in the US Congress disrupts both the relations between Turkish people and Armenians in Turkey and between Turkey and Armenia,” said Patriarch Mesrob II (Mutafyan), the spiritual leader of Turkey’s Armenian Orthodox community. “We had big problems in the past. I especially find the approach of the İttihat Terakki’s (the Committee of Union and Progress) collective punishment of Armenians quite wrong. It wasn’t the whole Armenian community who took up (...)
“The ‘Armenian genocide resolution’ pending in the US Congress disrupts both the relations between Turkish people and Armenians in Turkey and between Turkey and Armenia,” said Patriarch Mesrob II (Mutafyan), the spiritual leader of Turkey’s Armenian Orthodox community. “We had big problems in the past. I especially find the approach of the İttihat Terakki’s (the Committee of Union and Progress) collective punishment of Armenians quite wrong. It wasn’t the whole Armenian community who took up (...)
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